Monday, May 24, 2010

Space Invaders

I understand not everyone has the same concept of “personal space.” In some cultures people stand inches apart while speaking to one another. In other cultures a car isn’t considered full until there are at least 4 people in the backseat. But for the most part, here in Georgia, we have a 3 foot comfort zone.

My personal space has been invaded. I am thinking of putting up a sign or fence or something.

When we help new students to register we have a sheet they must sign off on stating we told them about fees, services, and their responsibilities as students. I asked a student to sign this sheet and he grabbed the pencil that was holding my hair in a twist.

I said “Seriously?” and the student looked at me as if I were the one with a problem and stated he didn’t have a pencil.

Wouldn’t most people consider this an invasion of personal space?


  1. Oh wow. Yeah I would so not be okay with that-- especially if I didn't know who he was. Definitely an invasion of personal space. As a suggestion it might be cool if you enabled the Name/URL option when commenting because while I have a blogger account, it is not my personal blog and this I am unable to actually leave a link :)

  2. Yeah - that's very odd. You don't grab anything off of anyone's person.
