Thursday, February 25, 2010


I have a dislike to handshaking. It isn’t that I am anti-social. I love to meet new people. I just don’t like to shake hands. I am not sure where the other person had their hand moments ago. Once a guy was picking biscuit out of his teeth with his finger and then stuck his hand out for me to shake.

I favor the “nod” as a greeting. The nod is user friendly and cootie free.

In my attempts to bring the nod forward as the acceptable greeting when being introduced I have met many setbacks. People who are confirmed hand-shakers get pissy if you don’t want to shake their hand. Sometimes the other person will go beyond holding their hand out to shake and will reach for my hand. To block that attempt I have tried holding onto a notebook so that I can give the impression that I would like to shake hands, I am just unable to because of this notebook I am holding.

Another approach I use to avoiding shaking hands is to hold my hands in front of me in an “I am unarmed and mean you no harm” stance and announce that I may have a cold coming on. I would think that with all of this swine flu in the news an announcement of possible illness would slow down the hand-shakers, but it doesn’t seem to faze them. While grabbing my upheld hand a guy told me that he had just gotten over a cold so he should be safe.

I think I have found a sure-fire way to avoid shaking hands. I have numerous Band-Aids on my right hand. There is nothing seriously wrong with my hand. I was building a retaining wall this past weekend and scraped my hand between two rocks. Our college is holding open registration this week and I knew I would be in for a full day of hand-shaking so I covered the abrasions with Band-Aids to keep other people’s germs out of my scrapes. Imagine my surprise when no one shook my hand!

That is right. Not one single attempt to shake my hand. Take note all you other anti hand-shakers. From now on a Band-Aid is my accessory of choice. Band-Aid stock should go through the roof.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Today was a great Valentine's Day. We slept late, had coffee while watching CBS's "Sunday Morning," and ragged on how mushy and commercial love songs are. Before Mister left to take our dog Boo to the woods for a run he gave me the BEST gift...handheld Yahtzee! I know I already own the Yahtzee deluxe edition and the Yatzee travel edition but a nerdy girl can't live without Yahtzee handheld edition.

Of the top 10 things about a husband, recognizing the nerd behind the lipgloss ranks as number 1. The list follows as:

10 Best Traits in a Husband

10) Nice to my family
9) Nice to my friends
8) Doesn't call me out for being fake around the college vice president
7) Let me name his dog "Boo"
6) let's my chihuahua sleep under the covers
5) LOVES my cooking
4) Compares all romantic comedies to "Jane Eyre"
3) Kows where every Dairy Queen in the southeast is located
2) Can build things (like back porches and bird feeders)
1) Recognizes the real me and loves me for it

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

icy roads

This is the second big snow this year. Usually we go years without snow, so to get a second one in one winter is pretty amazing. As everyone knows, I LOVE SNOW!! Having said that I was amazed today at how fast I became used to the view from the kitchen. I walked into the room and thought: "Pretty, looks like last time." I stopped cold (pun intended) with the fridge open and couldn't believe that it only took twice for snow to become blase.

No segue, I have the television on watching the news and it was just announced that a Deputy Sheriff died in a car accident tonight. Dave was responding to a call when dispatch lost touch with him. His car was found upside down in a creek. Dave works security on our campus, always professional and friendly. His wife brings lunch in to share with him. I can't imagine how she is feeling and my heart goes out to her.

Mister is still at work, am going to text him now.