In an effort to save money, I have been carrying my lunch to work. I have tried every frozen meal for one that the grocery store stocks. I have had some good meals and some bad meals; and have narrowed my choices down to about a dozen that have become staples of my work day diet. I don't have high expectations of gourmet delights from my frozen dinners; I am just looking for something edible to keep me from starving while I shut myself in my office for an hour and concentrate on school work in the middle of the workday.
Being the rule follower that I am I read the directions on how to microwave each dinner and carefully completed each step as described. Lift one corner to vent...microwave 3 minutes...lift plastic, stir, replace plastic...let sit for 1 minute. I have been a slave to those tiny printed directions.
A week or so ago our custodian came by while I was studying the side of the box and said "I find that 2 minutes on high will cook anything." I thought I would give it a try, and I have decided the man is a genius.
I can't believe how much of my life I have wasted waiting on the microwave.