Friday, May 20, 2011

Wash Day

This is great clothes drying weather.

That thought popped into my head as I stood on the deck drinking coffee this morning. Odd, I know. Who considers the weather conditions before throwing in a load of laundry?

I have been living the life of a reluctant Luddite this past month. First our air conditioning went out. Mister is very hot natured so we had a repairman out to fix that, ASAP.

The following week our water heater stopped working. Because we had spent so much of our 2011 home repair budget Mister decided he would replace the water heater on his day off. We had no hot water Tuesday evening and Mister’s next day off was Saturday. Not wanting to take a cold shower but not wanting to skip bathing for 5 days I went old school and heated water on the stove to pour into the bathtub. Saturday evening I stood in the shower so long I ran out of hot water and red wine.

The week after that our clothes dryer called it quits. Seriously?! This is not in the budget. We have a clothes line in the backyard for those days I am feeling particularly “green” and want to hang the towels out to dry, but hanging out every piece of laundry I wash is not practical for a woman that works full time. I can see me turning in a leave request to the state saying I need to go home because it is clouding up and I am worried it will rain on my whites.

We are now starting week 3 with no clothes dryer. Funny how quick you adjust. I didn’t know I was thinking about laundry when I stepped out back with my morning coffee.

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