Thursday, December 8, 2011


Our mouser died last month.

My husband does not like cats. Mister stated that we are not getting another cat. He even said his foot is down. When a husband says his foot is down a woman knows not to push the issue.

Sunday afternoon my husband was in the yard when a giant mouse ran across our yard and under the lounge window. Ran right past him! Mister came inside and got a sticky paper trap, put it outside our lounge window, and came in and told me he had the situation under control.

So we are in our jammies watching television when we hear squeaking and thumping under the window. My husband jumps up and tells me to grab the flashlight and follow him outside. He is carrying an axe.

As we run around the front yard chasing a mouse stuck to the sticky pad, me wearing a nightgown and carrying a flashlight and Mister wearing pajama pants and swinging an axe; he looks at me and says: “Maybe we should get a cat.”

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