Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I tried on a dress in front of the mirror and turned every which way to get a look at myself. I was totally surprised by my elbows. This getting older thing has many surprises. I had no idea my elbows were going to look like they do.

I am fine with laugh lines and crow’s feet. I knew they were going to happen. I can deal with a slower metabolism, not happy about it, but I can deal with it. These are things you see happening around you and know are going to happen to you.

But seriously, the elbows? What is up with that?


  1. Thanks for the heads-up! Don't forget the jowls our family is SO famous for! Elbows was definitely not something I expected. I agree on the laugh lines-we knew we were gonna get them at a young age because we laugh so darn much...

  2. So funny! My thing right now is earlobes. I used to know an older lady who was so wrinkly and even her earlobes were wrinkled! Crazy, right? Now I am getting a wrinkle on one earlobe because of the way I sleep. Grrr.

    I lost a bunch of weight this summer and I noticed in some recent pictures, when the light is a certain way, I am getting that old lady chicken neck. Double grrr.

    Thanks for the tip on the elbows. Now I have to go look at that obsessively.

  3. I am with you Marsha- thanks to Weight Watchers I have lost 20 pounds this summer and I think that contributed to the old lady elbows!

    Karen- how mean to mention the jowls!! You know they are a "sign of beauty" bwaahaha!
